Master in Architecture
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | 016-3127233
Building Technology I
This module introduces us to a more extensive study of building construction by investigating the latest and more advanced technology and practice of the industry; from site analysis to all the advanced construction systems, energy efficiency, façade systems, architectural technology as well as the latest construction methods. It also intends to expose us to the study of construction through case studies of existing buildings and applying into the design studio.
Assignment 01
Industrialised Building System
In a group of 5, we are given the precast concrete system as our IBS to design a three-storey apartment. We are required to find case studies to support the design. We are encouraged to explore different kind of IBS construction system in the design of the apartment. A sectional physical model shall be produced together with a report to document the design drawings and assembly process of the proposed IBS building.
Assignment 02
Construction Solutions
Integrated with the current studio design project which aims to facilitate us in the technical studies of their design. Consists of two parts, the first part deals with the analysis and establishment of the structural and the envelope systems of the student’s design. The design has logical and workable construction systems and at the same time encouraging students to include construction as part of the design and not just “tools” to build it. The second part is a continuation from the first where we need to show in the final presentation drawings of the project, evidences of the previous studies being implemented in the design.