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ARC 60106

Architectural Design Studio III

This studio emphasizes on the poetics of place and the experiential qualities of space in architecture. In the module, students are introduced to, firstly, an exploration of spatial typologies and poetics in architecture; and secondly, the concept of neighbourhood and community.

Assignment 01

‘Journey of five senses’ - The Monument

Old Malaysia . New Malaysia

Learning from the design strategies of Project 1a the precedent studies, design two (2) Monuments themed ‘Journey of five senses’ for each of the following era. 1. A monument that captures the essence of our “Old Malaysia” 2. A monument that captures the essence of our “New Malaysia” One monument shall be linear and the other shall be concentric in form. The ethos or your own interpretation of both the “Old Malaysia” and “New Malaysia” shall be identified and celebrated in the memorials. Each era may have more than one essence that is commemorated.

In a group of six, together with Cadence, Zhu Song, Joseph, Sam and Zhi Ming, we chose embassy of Netherlands and Stockholm Public Library as our case studies for linear and concentric. We focus on emphasizing the declining of administration system where governments start to refuse to hear from people and the gap between government and people increases. While New Malaysia, we focused onsaying the emergence of hope and we start to break through the barriers and together all people start to work together and unite though the journey is never easy but for the future generation together we cooperate to work towards this unknown future.

Assignment 2A

'Genius Loci’ - Visitor Interpretive Centre (VIC)

-Site Analysis and Design Concept

Society, culture, history, memory and the landscape of a particular place echoes the meaning of that ‘place’, or its ‘genius loci’. These qualities will inform the architectural concept and generators for Project 2. In Project 2, the design brief calls for an architectural response toward the sense of place with a strong engagement and relationship to the site and programmatic requirements.

In the same group of six, together with Cadence, Zhu Song, Joseph, Sam and Zhi Ming, we did a site analysis on Kampung Pulai. From macro site background to microsite of Kampung Pulai, it is very interesting to experience the site ourselves stayed there for three days two nights to have more insights and understanding on culture on site.

Assignment 2B

'Genius Loci’ - Visitor Interpretive Centre (VIC)

Parallel. Knit

Kampung Pulai, the Hakka Chinese settlement is the only former gold mining settlement to have survived to the present.The closely-knit community due to continued isolation and its subsistence-oriented economy resulted from the “parallel” characteristics found on site. The geographical location of the site at Gua Musang, Kelantan surrounded by many parallel run of mountain peaks such as Gunung Tahan and Gunung Benom.   The early settlement of Pulai Chinese was located around Sungai Galas region in scattered location due to the gold mining economic activity, was the main economic source of Pulai in the early days. Kampung Pulai settlement now located parallel with the Sungai Galas river with run of hills as the backdrop. The residences are flanked around the road. Self-adaptation of Pulai Chinese and their capability to self-supply food resulted in their independence and less interactions with the outside world. Intermarriage between early Pulai miners and Orang Asli and Siamese women was common, no acculturation or assimilation occured between the culture and instead they preserve their identity and Chinese culture well. 

By extracting the parallel essence from site, the visitor interpretive centre intends to show public how Kampung Pulai closely-knit community formed via its intertwined relationship between the people with its geographical features and intangible features on site and also for the Pulai Chinese to gather, maintain and strengthen their bond.  

board 2.jpg

Approach. Axis. Life

Parallel. Knit


Weave. Continuity. Threshold


This semester I was so grateful for having the same tutor as semester 1, which is Ar. Chong Sue May. Thanks to my tutor's patience and guidance throughout the final project that I could managed to finish them on time. Really enjoyed the process of designing and discussion with tutor who always taught us how to see things from another perspective. This semester taught us more on the spatial poetics of the spaces and how to bring out the design intention clearly. It is very interesting to learn from case studies and also most importantly related the design back to the site through the elements found on site. 

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