Master in Architecture
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | 016-3127233
Architectural Design Studio IV
In Semester 4 studio, engaging environment and community is an important aspect. We are required to explore design by harnessing environmental qualities and conditions for human and environment sustainability through a project with a specific community of users within a given context.
Assignment 01
Floating Placemarker
The site for this floating placemarker is 4th MIle beachfront. By addressing the issue of Port Dickson lacking of a placemarker as a significant landmark on site, we are required to design a placemarker which represent PD identity to the local and public as well. With Agnes and Elena, we designed a placemarker named LOST to bring back the lost identity of PD which is inspired from Teluk Kemang batu bersurat which records the history of how Minangkabau people shifted and stayed at here. I am so grateful with the opportunity to work with both of them and learned a lot on how to looks at things from a different light and how as a team we can collaborate well in contributing to the teamwork.

Site Analysis
In our own tutorial group of 12 people, we are required to present a site analysis of Port Dickson. We have to collect the physical and social content. With the data collection, as a group we carried out discussion and analysis based on the data. The division of task and cooperation between group members are important. From the SWOT findings, we can later to carried out further development for our later individual project.

Assignment 2A
Design Concept Submission - Boundless

Assignment 2B
Interim Submission
Assignment 2C
Final Submission
Boundless. Revitalizing cultural identity in Port Dickson
DESIGN CONCEPT Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan located at west coast of Malaysia about 90 km south from Kuala Lumpur and 30 km away from Seremban. The natural landscape is overwhelmed with the developments losing its local identity and history. The relationship of the communities closely ties to the sea since the past. The social dimensions and history of the place serve as the reference point to their cultural identity.
The community swimming centre plays an intrinsic role to inculcate the importance of reclaiming the cultural identity and history of Port Dickson to the locals and tourists. Initiating a relationship between the community and public through swimming and cultural activity, the centre provide an opportunity for the community to appreciate the nature through visual, experiential and spatial composition which forms the overall environmental setting of the place.

I am so grateful for having my tutor, Ar. Alina who always guide us patiently for this semester. She taught us how to be more sensitive to the design and be more open minded to embrace and accept every idea or concept. There are always something for us to learn from mistakes or bad examples and we should not limit ourselves to just look at those good examples that we think. You will learn something if you pay attention to the small details in your life. Never afraid to move back and forth with your design process and always remember design intention that you have with the concept without forgetting the importance of the end users of the design.